Mumbai, 17th May 2024: Amazon miniTV, Amazon’s free video streaming service, recently released the highly-anticipated comedy-drama series Namacool. The series follows the comedic adventures of two best friends, Mayank and Piyush, as they navigate the highs and lows of college life in Lucknow. Directed by Ritam Shrivastava Produced by Reliance Entertainment Studios and written by Shantanu Srivastava, the series blends humour with heartfelt moments, exploring the themes of friendship, identity, and the pursuit of dreams. Along with a stellar cast and a narrative that balances laughter and drama with unexpected twists, here are the 5 reasons why Namacool is a must-watch.
- A refreshing take on brotherhood: Abhinav Sharma and Aaron Kaul bring the delightful characters of Mayank and Piyush to life, creating an unforgettable duo that will leave you in splits. Their chemistry is infectious, drawing viewers into their world of brotherhood mischief, and heartfelt moments. Whether they’re embarking on wild adventures or navigating the complexities of young adulthood, their journey will resonate with audiences of all ages.
- Enchanting charm of Lucknow: Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of Lucknow, a city teeming with life, culture, and character. From Chowk’s bustling streets to the Gomti River’s serene beauty, Namacool captures this historic city’s essence in all its glory, transporting the audience to a world where every corner is bursting with excitement, delicacy, and adventure.
- A laughter riot with gripping drama: Namacool promises a high octane narrative filled with hilarious misfortunes that befall Mayank and Piyush as they chase after fame and love. As Mayank and Piyush uncover the true essence of manhood amidst wild schemes, crime, misadventures, and deceit, the series offers a unique blend of comedy, drama, and unexpected twists, keeping viewers hooked until the very end.
- Stellar starcast: Featuring Hina Khan, Abhinav Sharma, Aaron Kaul, Abhishek Bajaj, and Anushka Kaushik in pivotal roles, Namacool boasts a stellar cast that elevates the storyline to new heights. Each actor brings depth, nuance, and authenticity to their character, drawing viewers deeper into the hilarious world of Namacool.
- Watch for free: Join Mayank and Piyush on their twisted journey through college life in Lucknow with Namacool for free on Amazon miniTV. There is no need to pay anything to tune in to this fun-filled drama on a subscription basis. It is now available to stream on Amazon miniTV and Fire TV within the Amazon Shopping App and on Play Store.
Embark on a hilarious ride filled with laughter, love, drama, and invaluable life lessons with Namacool exclusively on Amazon miniTV, available on Amazon’s shopping app, Prime Video, Fire TV, smart TVs, and Play Store!