Mumbai, 03rd July 2024: Amazon miniTV, Amazon’s free video streaming service, recently released the highly anticipated teenage school drama, Sisterhood. Set in the century-old, all-girls convent school, S.I.S.T.R.S., the series revolves around the lives of four students – Zoya, Nikita, Ann, and Gargee, narrating the story of their intertwined friendship. Created by TVF- Girliyapa, Sisterhood features a stellar ensemble cast, including Anvesha Vij, Bhagyashree Limaye, Nidhi Bhanushali, and Nitya Mathur in pivotal roles.
Nitya Mathur, who essays the role of a confident and carefree Nikita in the series, gets candid about her character and said, “Nikita is an impulsive, funny girl. She is unapologetic about voicing her opinions and cares for her friends. Despite her carefree nature, she is always a problem solver in every difficulty she faces.”
She also shares her real-life school experience and says, “During my school years, I was not the topper, and my academic performance was average. However, what stands out the most in my memory is the close-knit group of friends I had back in the day. We shared a sisterhood-like bond and were often referred to as the ‘Giglis’ due to our constant laughter and support for one another.”
Explore the intricacies of school life like never before with Sisterhood, streaming now exclusively on Amazon miniTV, available on Amazon’s shopping app, Prime Video, Fire TV, smart TVs, and Play Store!