21st May 2024- Yami Gautam and Aditya Dhar are overjoyed to announce the birth of their first child, a baby boy named Vedavid. The couple shared the heartwarming news with their fans on Monday morning through a touching post on their social media accounts. The post featured a picture of Lord Krishna holding a baby boy, accompanied by a heartfelt message: “We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our beloved son, Vedavid, who graced us with his birth on the auspicious day of Akshay Tritiya. Please shower him with all your kind blessing and love. Warm regards, Yami & Aditya.”
A Joyous Milestone
Yami Gautam and Aditya Dhar’s journey together has been nothing short of a fairy tale. The couple tied the knot in June 2021 after dating for over two years. Their relationship, characterized by mutual respect and admiration, has been cherished by their fans and the Bollywood fraternity alike.
The announcement of Vedavid’s birth has been met with an outpouring of love and congratulations from the Bollywood community. Notable celebrities, including Ayushmann Khurrana, Mrunal Thakur, and Neha Dhupia, extended their heartfelt wishes in the comment sections of their posts.
The birth of Vedavid on Akshay Tritiya, a day considered highly auspicious in the Hindu calendar, adds a layer of spiritual significance to the joyous occasion.
Yami’s Pregnancy Announcement
Yami Gautam revealed her pregnancy during the trailer launch of their last film, ‘Article 370,’ surprising many fans and admirers. The couple’s happiness and excitement were palpable, and the announcement was met with widespread cheer.
Yami Gautam, known for her versatile acting skills and radiant on-screen presence, has carved a niche for herself in Bollywood with films like “Vicky Donor,” “Kaabil,” and “Bala.” Aditya Dhar, on the other hand, has established himself as a formidable filmmaker, best known for his directorial debut “Uri: The Surgical Strike,” which won him the National Film Award for Best Director.
Their marriage in June 2021 was a blend of simplicity and elegance, reflecting their down-to-earth personalities. The couple’s decision to keep their wedding private, attended by close family and friends, resonated with many and was appreciated for its sincerity.