This Sunday on Sony Entertainment Television, the young contestants of ‘Superstar Singer 3’ will pay a touching tribute to the legendary Mohammed Rafi in the ‘Rafi Night’ episode. Renowned lyricist and poet Manoj Muntashir, acclaimed actor Raza Murad, and celebrated singers Shabbir Kumar and Vineet Singh will grace the show, sharing fascinating trivia about Rafi Ji and his iconic songs. The stage will also welcome television actor Sayli Salunkhe, who will be seen playing Vedika in the channel’s upcoming drama ‘Pukaar Dil Se Dil,’ which premieres on 27th May and will air every Monday to Friday at 8.30 PM.
But it was the exceptionally talented 12-year-old Atharva Bakshi from Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, part of Captain Pawandeep Rajan’s team, who captivated the audience with his heartfelt renditions of “Abhi Na Jao Chhod Kar” and “Tum Jo Mil Gaye Ho” from the films “Hum Dono” and “Hanste Zakhm.”
An impressed Manoj Muntashir applauded the act, saying, “When Atharva was singing, people behind me were saying to each other that ‘He’s a Nanha Rafi.’ So, I’m borrowing my comment from them, you truly are a little Rafi. You sang two songs, both by legendary composers – one by Jaidev Sahab and one by Madan Mohan Sahab. These songs were created long before you were born, but it felt like you had learned from Jaidev Sahab or Madan Mohan Sahab themselves, sitting with them in their music rooms. You sang so well. Many blessings to you.”
Mesmerized by the performance, Super Judge Neha Kakkar complimented Atharva, saying, ” You sing with such dedication, and these two songs by Rafi Sahab are so different. A singer’s identity is recognized through such versatility. Performing two completely different types of songs on one stage shows how amazing and versatile you are. Today, I want to say something to you, Atharva, ‘Baitho na durr humse, dekho khafaa na ho, kismat se mil gaye ho, milke juda na ho.’
Captain Salman Ali also added, “I will call him Atharva Ji because whenever this child sings, something amazing is bound to happen. I always look at him with great respect and admiration. Many singers perform well, but it’s rare to look at someone with such affection and think that’s something special. Atharva has earned that respect by singing so well. You are incredible, Atharva. No matter how much I praise you, it will never be enough because you create a unique atmosphere every time you perform. Well done. Very impressive.”
Following his mesmerizing performance, singer Shabbir Kumar gifted Atharva a self-made sketch of Mohammed Rafi ji as well. Making for yet another charming moment, Sayli aka Vedika from “Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak” made a special request for Atharva and Devansriya to sing the lullaby of her show, which brings to life the poignant bond shared by a mother and her two daughters.